
The REDACt project Educational Hub

Earthquakes pose a serious threat to modern societies and we live in seismically active areas. In order to adapt to this fact, we need to change our culture of emergency preparedness, improve local citizen response capacity, and enhance individual and community resilience.

The REDACt project intends to CAPITALIZE on Educational material published by COMPETENT AUTHORITIES at NATIONAL and REGIONAL levels and, based on conducted Research and widely acceptable scientific principles, to constructively contribute towards improving public safety against Earthquake related risks, in line with State Regulations and Emergency plans.

During Earthquake emergencies, the main problems identified by competent authorities in respect to public response include: panic; traffic jams; unawareness of the safe locations, the possible routes towards them and the time people can safely stay there.

At the same time, scientific research has shown that the prime concern people face during earthquake emergencies, is related to the unknown safety conditions and whereabouts of persons they care about; and this may also be a reason of panicking and of being willing to ignore the risks and expose themselves to existing hazards.

To improve the population’s preparedness and response capacity, REDACt focuses on improving Earthquake Disaster Mitigation public Education and Competencies by providing short guidelines and tools to help the public acquire, during earthquake emergencies, situational awareness regarding their main concerns and most important needs as defined in the previous paragraph. 

Given that voice communication during emergencies may be interrupted due to system overload, free software tools and services on how to –on demand- share information and live location over data, are provided in the form of very short tutorials. At the same time, navigation-able maps of safe locations based on data provided by competent State Authorities for the entire project implementation area, are included in order to make the REDACt EDU-HUB an one-stop site to acquire all the necessary info and support.

The REDACt project Team would like to invite you  to browse through the Educational Hub and become a part of the joint effort, to improve community resilience and the overall safety against Earthquakes.

Please submit your questions, comments and/or suggestions to

Earthquake Disaster Mitigation Competent STATE AUTHORiTiES

Earthquake Protection & Planning Organization

National Institute for Earth Physics(NIEP)

Department of Emergency Situations, Romania and the National Prevention Platform

Civil Protection and Emergency Situations Service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Moldova

Comprehending the Risks

(actions before an event)
(actions during & after an event)
Falling objects
FIX tall furniture. Move heavy objects to lower places or fix them.
Get under a sturdy table.
Protect your head and neck.
In house lifeline damage
Make sure that everything is in order and that you know where the main controls are.
Check electricity and GAS for problems. TURN supplies OFF before leaving the house.
Injury during EXITing the building
Check alternative exits in case the main is blocked. Practice exiting the building. Monitor and optimize the procedure.
Wait until shaking is stopped. Do NOT rush. Use only STAIRS to go out. Walk CAREFULLY away from building facets and old buildings
Lack of necessary tools/Lack of situation awareness
BAG a FIRST AID kit, a TORCH and a RADIO (keep your cell phone, a power bank and necessary papers near).
AFTER being outside and safer, use your cell phone to verify that you’re ok and to share location with family. USE only DATA and pre-defined ways to communicate
Falling debris. Other Hazards (ie. electrical cables, fire etc)
PLAN the SAFEST route towards the Pre-Defined gathering location.
Consider different starting points and alternative routes.
Walk away from building facets and old buildings to the pre-defined safe location, share location with family/friends, monitor their progress, STAY SAFE.

How to be SAFER –Things TO DO! Help yourselves and Help others as well!


Location Sharing in Real-Time with Google Maps

Location Sharing in Real-Time with Whatsapp

Learn more about earthquakes

Refuge (safe) areas

K. Papatheodorou & E. Kirtas, International Hellenic University (Greece)

P. Gakos & K. Ntouros, International Hellenic University (Greece)

N. Theodoulidis, Institute of Engineering Seismology & Earthquake Engineering, EPPO (Greece)
N. Klimis, Democritus University of Thrace (Greece)
C. Zulfikar, Gebze Technical University (Türkiye)
D. Vintila, Ovidius University (Romania)
D. Toma-Danila, Ovidius University (Romania)
V. Cardanet, Insitute of Geology and Seismology (Moldova)

Safe area Map data contribution and support:
K. Chouvardas, Regional Administration of Anatoliki Makedonia & Thraki (Greece)

Questions, Comments: